Home > EF Addition

EF Addition

April 26th, 2009 at 08:46 pm

$501.65 from PT job
+ $5.56 from FT
$4,386 Total EF Balance

I need to buy our DD a bunch of stuff for summer camp. This will be her first year going away to camp for 3 weeks, so she needs quite a few things. Hopefully next summer will be cheaper because she will have some things from this year. I already bought her 2 new swimsuits, a sun hat and some new summer clothes. I have also been stocking up on sunscreen as we must send that with her and she is very pale so she will need lots. I have a feeling this is going to end up costing way more than I expected.

3 Responses to “EF Addition”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    Summer camp is an awesome experience! I'm sure she'll have a great time!

    A thought for next year - if she's going to outgrow the bathing suits, swim shoes, ect. Pick some up in the next size on clearance at the end of the summer to plan ahead for next year Smile

  2. MariRDH Says:

    Great tip - Thanks!!! Smile

  3. Amber Says:

    That is a good idea househopful, hope she has a good time. Also if you have a kohls check them out they always have really great deals

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