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Received tax refunds from fed & state

February 27th, 2009 at 09:28 pm

Okay, I decided to use the Federal refund to pad my "freedom account" (a Mary Hunt, Debt-proof Living idea where all money for intermittant but expected expenses is kept). We've got loads of different categories to save for in there such as my DD's summer camp, car repairs/oil changes, gifts, etc. So that big chunk makes me feel much more in control of those expenses and ready for when they come due.

The state refund was about 1/3 of the federal and I split it like so:
10% fun money - 5% for me and 5% for hubby
10% charity - split between 6 different places we give to
40% EF
40% debt - this brings this debt down to just under $284 and should be paid off with my next paycheck!!! WooHoo! Big Grin

It is exciting to see such nice progress and feel a little bit more secure in our future finances.

4 Responses to “Received tax refunds from fed & state”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Congrats on getting that loan down. And it will be paid off soon? Even better!!

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    Way to go! Your EF is growing and you have made tons of progress on paying debt. Hats off to you!

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You're doing Awesome!!!

  4. Blue Eyes Says:

    Congrats! Great work!

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