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Joined the Y

January 3rd, 2009 at 08:50 pm

My daughter has been taking swim lessons for a couple years but we never joined with a full membership until today. We chose a Full Family membership so all adults & children included. I hope we get our money's worth since it seems pretty expensive to me - $70/month. I guess it's not expensive if you are a "gym" kind of person but we are not. As a matter of fact I hate exercising...but I guess I better start changing that thought process around. *sigh* YNAB here I come again to find the money for this monthly payment.

I decided to add my current weight to this entry as it will be interesting to look back and see if any progress has been made. I normally NEVER weigh myself as I have always been a thin person and never had to worry. My how times have changed. I am 5'1" and 140 lbs. My goal is approximately 115 lbs but the real goal is looking better and feeling happy with my body which I am not right now.

3 Responses to “Joined the Y”

  1. Amber Says:

    $70 is great for an entire family, I pay $44 a month for my membership at the gym

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    We are gym people. We bought our last membership just over 2 years ago. It was cheaper to buy a 3 year membership than go month to month. Our gym isn't exactly kid friendly...but I'll be looking into that when this membership is up. I think it will be good that all of you can go at the same time. Enjoy!!

  3. thriftorama Says:

    We are members of the local JCC, even though we aren't Jewish. They have great facilities, and it costs us about $400 a year. I go there because they offer free babysitting while you work out. It's priceless.

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