Home > No more $5 Pinecone surveys!

No more $5 Pinecone surveys!

June 21st, 2008 at 06:47 pm

I am so bummed. I just received an email from Pinecone explaining that they are "phasing out" the $5 surveys and will be replacing them with $3 per survey plus an entry into a monthly $500 sweepstakes.

The $3 is not bad, but I was hoping I could stay "grandfathered in" at $5. I guess that was a little too much to ask for. Frown

They sent me a survey asking if I want to switch to this other payment option now or stay at the other option and eventually stop getting survey offers altogether. I am choosing to switch. I will miss the $5, but at least I can stay on the panel and continue to earn a little extra to put toward the debt.

7 Responses to “No more $5 Pinecone surveys!”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I bet I will get the same e mail. I wondered when some of the forum members mentioned that they were only getting checks for $3, cause I always get $5. I hope this means the surveys are shorter!!

  2. Amber Says:

    That sucks, I always got the $3. But I use the paypal service vs getting a check

  3. Aleta Says:

    I saw the email too. I'm probably going to start doing the pal pal thing too. I think it's faster and one less time to go to the bank. Like Ima, I hope that they are shorter as well.

  4. littlemama Says:

    Darn, I was hoping I was "grandfathered" in also. I just did a survey last week. I wonder if I'll get $3.00 or $5.00, as I have not recieved the "phasing out" email yet.

  5. toyguy1963 Says:

    I saw something like that coming. They had given me a survey asking if I would continue doing surveys if they stopped paying and only offered a sweepstakes. So I expected some big changes. I really enjoy the Pinecone surveys but it still has to be worth doing.

    I haven't gotton the email yet but its probably waiting now in my hotmail box.

  6. dmontngrey Says:

    I just got that same email and it's a bit threatening. If you don't agree to join the $3 panel, you might not get any surveys after the transition is final! Oh well, I don't want to lose out on the extra $$ this provides. $5 payments were good while they lasted.

  7. Mellisa Says:

    I don't think pinecone is letting new members participate in the $3 surveys anymore..

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