Home > $71.56 to Goal CC

$71.56 to Goal CC

June 16th, 2008 at 12:54 am

I received my Fall check from the decoy mail* place yesterday for $71.50 and I also received a refund from overpayment to my Capital One card for $0.06 (yes, it cost way more to print and mail the check than the actual check is worth...another reason credit card companies are renowned for their idiocy).

New Balance on 0% CC: $7,488.84

*A mail decoy is someone who gets mail delivered to them under "strange" names and records when it was delivered and in what condition. I am paid a small fee for each piece I enter.

2 Responses to “$71.56 to Goal CC”

  1. Amber Says:

    I was wondering what the mail decoy was.

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I tried signing up for that before, but they didn't need anyone in my zipcode at that time. I should probably check again.

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