I lost my patience waiting for the college to send me the amount I paid in tuition/fees in 2007 - Actually they sent it and it was BLANK! I called and they said they can send me something else showing the amounts, but I just can't wait another day. I went online and multiplied the number of credits I took by the amount they charge per credit and used that for the taxes. It ended up having absolutely no effect on the taxes since even without it we were getting everything back plus the EIC since we were so "poor" this year. I should be posting a full EF in just a few weeks!!!
I still have not made a decision about the rest of the refund money. We shall see.
I am adding $7.99 to the EF today for the last Free-bate from my contact lens solution which I received yesterday. I am over 1/3 of the way to my $5,000 goal now.
New EF Balance: $1,701.67
Filed Taxes & Another Rebate Received
February 6th, 2008 at 06:19 pm
February 8th, 2008 at 07:02 pm 1202497376
I think I'm gonna leave it at $5,000 for now while I try to pay down our debt. Once we really become serious about saving for a house I'll definitely start to build a larger EF as we will need more money to cover mortgage and repairs, etc in the event of an emergency.