I had to shell out almost $300 today for school. $255 for some new instruments (which is really dirt cheap compared to what I would pay if I were not a student), and $45 for membership dues for the ADHA (American Dental Hygienist Association).
I hate when I have no choice but to spend money. I can't even shop around. But, I know it is for a good cause and I will be glad to have that license in my hand. Still that was almost all our savings so times continue to get tighter in our household.
Speaking of school, it is just unbelievable the amount of new tasks we have to learn in the next 3-1/2 months! I am afraid my blog may get neglected at times, but I will try to hang around and keep things up to date as much as possible.
Oh, almost forgot, I received a $5 check from Pinecone Research in the mail today. Hooray! I love them. They are so dependable and you always know you will be paid for each and every survey you take. What could be better?!
Bye bye money
September 2nd, 2006 at 02:17 am
September 2nd, 2006 at 04:06 pm 1157209565
September 3rd, 2006 at 07:16 am 1157264170